Resources and Education
Our certified peer recovery support specialists help engage, retain and support persons with substance use disorders into treatment and recovery. The peers use their personal recovery experiences to help connect and educate those served about the science of addiction, recovery, resources, and the role of medication assisted treatment. Our peer specialists provide community outreach and support our treatment and Recovery Assistance services. Peer outreach educates and engages persons with substance use disorder into recovery services through partner organizations in the community with weekly outreach sessions. Peers also work to distribute Narcan, a lifesaving opioid overdose reversal spray, in the community. Additionally, they provide support in the jail, working with inmates to build skills essential for recovery and educate people with substance use disorder on the availability of Medications for Opiod and Alcohol Use Disorder which is offered through our partnership with TCCH and FADAA. Lastly, our peers provide support services to our Recovery Assistance Homes which offer people in early recovery supportive housing, recovery support, lifeskills, and treatment. The three-phase strategy focuses on supporting residents with their recovery, building employment skills, and transition planning.
CRAFT for families and friends is offered free to anyone in our community who has a loved one with substance use disorder. CRAFT is an evidence-based skills training approach that helps families of substance users. The program includes education, support, and skill training to families of persons with substance use disorder.

Our Indicated Prevention
strategy aims at increasing protective factors and reducing risk factors for youth who engage in health risk behaviors. The strategy is tailored to the individual needs of the identified youth. An initial intake assessment is conducted, which identifies the needs and risks of the youth. Those needs and risks are addressed with appropriate interventions and timeframes. Prevention specialists deliver evidence-based curriculum (LifeSkills Training, Teen Intervene, Decision Points and/or Prevention Plus Wellness) in group or individual settings. Prevention Specialists also meet with families to discuss strategies for improvement and to make appropriate referrals to support on-going success. All parents are offered a free parenting skills group. For youth identified as having a higher need, additional evidence-based curricula such as Teen Intervene (for one-on-one sessions) and Decision Points are provided, and they may participate in additional groups to for additional structure and support skill acquisition. Youth are drug tested to evaluate compliance and to identify the need, if necessary, for a higher level of intervention.

Thrive’s Recovery Works! Program
includes treatment services (day treatment, outpatient, and adolescent outpatient services), peer support, recovery assistance housing, and CRAFT for family and friends.

Our Universal Prevention
Our Universal Prevention strategy is designed to empower youth across Indian River County with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate challenges, resist substance use, and build a foundation for lifelong wellness. By delivering evidence-based prevention curricula in schools and through partnerships with local youth-serving organizations, we ensure students have access to high-quality prevention programming that addresses multiple aspects of healthy development
strategy focuses on fostering community level change that promotes prevention and positive youth behaviors throughout Indian River County. This is achieved through the organization’s coalition. The coalition focuses on community substance prevention strategies, such as: information dissemination, community skill building, and providing support. We promote prevention messaging throughout the community including:
Annual Report
Thrive Compliance Information
The Substance Awareness Center of IRC was founded in 1989 as a resource for information and referral and has expanded the services offered as the community need has increased. We have embraced two positions, Prevention Works! and Recovery Works! Our programs are CARF accredited and state licensed.
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